Oneonta Assembly of God
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God uses Broken Things.
John Grenier
John Grenier
Sunday, February 11, 2024

God uses Broken Things.

Psalm 51:17


The Principle of Brokenness.

1. Brokenness is the Lord’s method of dealing with our

self-reliance—that desire within us to act independently from Him.

~ Many of us want the blessings from God, but we don’t want Him

riding us and bringing us into submission to His will.

2. God wants us to bring every area of our lives into submission to

His will, and He uses our trials to lead us to a point of total surrender.


What Brokenness Is Not.

1. Brokenness is not chastisement.

2. Brokenness is not punishment.

~ Then what is the true meaning of punishment?

- God doesn't punish us for our sins; God doesn't have to.

Sin in itself is the punishment for sin.


Brokenness is about the future (our future).

1. The Father deals with our attitude for the purpose of conforming

us to His will and making us effective ministers to others.

2. Jesus experienced brokenness and so will we. (Jn 15:20)

~ God’s intent isn’t to hurt us, but to expand our

capacity to carry His love to a world in need of compassion.


The Process of Brokenness.

1. Through adversity, God targets the areas of self-will in our lives.

~ He wants to break the attitudes that does not honor Him—

such as self-righteousness, self-reliance, and self-centeredness.

2. Brokenness is the last stop before we finally confess,

“I can’t; God can”.


We are only as useful to God as we are obedient to Him.

1. Whether He allows difficulties to arise in our family,

finances, or health, He does so out of love.

2. His ultimate purpose is that we become spiritually mature and

effective for His kingdom.


“Brokenness is God’s requirement

for maximum usefulness.”