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Joshua 6:1-27
Jericho Walls “Come Down”

Question: How do the walls of spiritual resistance come down?

Question: How do we make progress and gain ground with God?

Question: How do we conquer Jericho’s within our own heart and move forward to greater victories?

     #1. Unwavering Faith – Believe today, that God can pull down every wall that opposes you in the Jericho of your soul.

     #2. “Total Obedience – Do whatever the Lord tells you to do.

     #3. “Restful Patience – Resist the temptation to run ahead of God.

     #4. “Full Acceptance – Of God’s Grace to forgive you and cover every sin.

     #5. “Absolute Surrender – Let God destroy, demolish, and burn up everything that opposes God’s work in your life.